Getting It Wrong: The AI Labor Displacement Error (Part 2) The Nature of Intelligence


Scientists and philosophers have explored the nature of Intelligence for millennia, but the accumulated knowledge has never been assembled into a coherent theory. Fragments are scattered across history and strewn amongst scientific disciplines like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be put together into a clear picture. While we can’t fully describe a rigorous General Theory of Intelligence here, we can trace an outline of some primary features based on key puzzle pieces. We can also identify the reasons why the lack of such a theory has led to serious failures such as the AI Labor Displacement Error. A general theory of Intelligence will help us understand why Artificial Intelligence is, counter to all expectations, replacing human artistic labor first and physical work last, and how we got it so very wrong….

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Steven Vincent - The Singularity Project

Writer, Yogi, Biological Intelligence. Creator of "The Singularity Project", a new science fiction universe reflecting our real-world, contemporary reality.